A message and reminder to everyone and myself to stop consuming endless hours of content and rather apply whatever knowledge you already have practically.
The more I consume the more facts I know but these facts won’t turn into anything real until I apply them.
There’s this theory called Bloom’s Taxonomy
. Which categorises effective learning in 7 categories. They are from the bottom: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate and Create.
This may be a bit of a me
opinion but any facts that you don’t take to atleast the application step, is a piece of knowledge taking up your brain’s precious GBs. Now it’s okay to have these and I know I do have a LOT of these and I kinda enjoy random facts sometimes.
There is also the thing of where these things come in handy the odd time you need to know what “olive” is in Spanish or “how high of a ledge you can jump off and still live?” However, our brain is quite smart and it will start disposing these bits of knowledge, that haven’t been applied in a while, automatically.
My point is, if you’re watching these tutorials under the guise of productivity and don’t apply anything from them, then maybe your brain will eventually garbage collect the information.
As always, remember to have fun. Experiences are something your brain finds really hard to throw away.